



    texview - One-step LaTeX source compiliation, output viewing, and temp. 
              file cleanup


    texview OPTIONS FILE


    Texview manages compilation of a LaTeX source file, viewing the
    output with a default or specified viewer, and cleaning up
    generated files, all by issuing just a single command.
    Handled output formats are PostScript (via latex/elatex/dvips), 
    PDF (via pdflatex/pdfelatex) and HTML (via tex4ht). For PostScript 
    output, images can be converted to EPS files by calling specialized
    conversion programs if requested.


  output format:
    -ps,   --dvips             generate PostScript output (default)
    -pdf,  --pdftex            generate PDF (Portable Document Format) output
    -html, --tex4ht            generate HTML output via 'tex4ht'

    -c, --compile              compile source
        --run-twice            run two times to resolve simple references
    -v, --view                 open the viewer
        --clean-intermediate   delete intermediate files
        --clean-output         delete output files
        --clean                delete intermediate and output files

  directory options:
    -I INCLUDEDIR              specify additional include directory
    -s, --current-dir          place temporary files into current directory
                               (default is to put them into 
        --symlink-copy         make copies instead of symlinks

        --no-etex              use tex (latex, pdflatex) versions instead of
                               default etex (elatex, pdfelatex)
        --html-tidy            run 'htmltidy' to clean up HTML code generated
                               by 'tex4ht'
        --config               create a file called "config.tex" containing
                               some setup variables
    -e, --set-viewer PROGRAM   use PROGRAM as viewer instead of default

  image options:
    -i, --prepare-images       prepare images found in the directory of the 
                               LaTeX input file
    -gif, --convert-png-to-gif convert PNG to GIF (for Web-browsers 
                               supporting GIF but not PNG)
        --png-with-bmeps       PNG to EPS conversion using 'bmeps' (default)
        --png-with-convert     PNG to EPS conversion using 'convert'
        --png-with-jpeg2ps     PNG to JPEG to EPS conversion using 'jpeg2ps'
        --tiff-with-bmeps      TIFF to EPS conversion using 'bmeps' (default)
        --tiff-with-convert    TIFF to EPS conversion using 'convert'
        --tiff-with-jpeg2ps    TIFF to JPEG to EPS conversion using 
        --tiff-with-tiff2ps    TIFF to EPS conversion using 'tiff2ps'

  program options:
        --help                 display short help text
        --man                  display complete help
    -V, --version              output version information and exit


  1 The file name of the input LaTeX file must have the extension 

  2 Input search paths:

  2.1 The directory of the source file is added added automatically 
      to the TEXINPUTS environment variable.

  2.2 pdflatex: setting TEXINPUTS seems to cause some systems to
      be unable to find 'pdftex.cfg'.

      This problem may be solved by also adding the path to
      'pdftex.cfg' to TEXINPUTS via -I /path/to/pdftexconfig/ (try
      'locate "pdftex.cfg"' to know where it is on your system).

  3 Image conversion notes:
  3.1 If option '--prepare-images' is given, _all_ JPEG, PNG and
      TIFF images found in the .tex input file's directory will
      be considered. Images are "detected" only based on filename
      extensions (".jpg", ".jpeg" for JPEG, ".tif", ".tiff" for
      TIFF, ".png" for PNG; note that image extensions must be 

  3.2 The actions implied by the '--prepare-images' option depend
      on the choosen output format.

      For PostScript output, PNG, JPEG and TIFF images are
      converted to EPS. The conversion programs used for PNG and
      TIFF type images depend on the specified options; JPEG
      images are converted to the EPS format with the program

      For HTML/tex4ht, conversion of PNG and JPEG type images is
      not required in general, but for tex4ht the images should
      be in the same directory (or a relative-addressed
      directory) to avoid having the absolute paths coded into
      the HTML. Therefore, symlinks to the image files will be
      created in the compilation directory.  Alternatively, the
      image files can be copied to the compilation directory when
      option '--symlink-copy' is given.

  4 The viewer setup currently used by default is:
      - PS output: gv -antialias -watch 
      - PDF output: xpdf
      - HTML output: w3m


  1 Most simplest usage: compile .dvi/.ps in /tmp, display and cleanup:
      texview letter.tex

  2 Specify image conversion and additional TeX input directory:
      texview -i -I ~/MyLatexLib Article.tex --ps
      texview -i -I ~/MyLatexLib Article.tex --pdf
      texview -i -I ~/MyLatexLib Article.tex --tex4ht

  3 Multiple compilation cycles (default (PS) output):
    compile and open viewer:
      texview -i -I ~/MyLatexLib Article.tex --compile --view

    leave viewer open, edit Article.tex, then compile again:
      texview -i -I ~/MyLatexLib Article.tex --compile

    finally, clean up output and temporary files:
      texview -i -I ~/MyLatexLib Article.tex --clean

    The last '--clean' step may be realized by the instance started 
    in the first step by sending it to the background, and closing the 
    viewer when done. For this, add '--clean' (which is identical
    to not specifying the three options '--compile', '--view',

  4 Use of different viewers or viewer-options:

    Use 'acroread' instead of default 'xpdf':
      texview --set-viewer acroread --pdf letter.tex

    Use viewer 'gv' (Ghostview) with some arguments:
      texview --set-viewer 'gv -landscape -watch -antialias' \
          --ps letter.tex


  1 for PS output and viewing:
    gv (or alternative viewer)

  2 for PDF output and viewing:
    xpdf (or alternative viewer)

  3 for HTML output and viewing: 
    tex4ht (ht), latex/elatex
    w3m (or alternative viewer)
    ModifyFiles, tex4ht-post-process, htmltidy

  4 for image conversions: 
    jpeg2ps, bmeps, convert, tiff2ps

See Also

    programs mentioned under 'Prerequisites'
    ``Compressed Images in PostScript and PDF with LaTeX'' HOWTO


License: GPL, Version 2 (or later version).

DaicasWeb v.1.50.0102  //   Daniel Käps  //   September 02, 2012  //   Impressum / Imprint 