[main]    [up]  

WxExtLib - ConfigEntry.h

00001: // -*- c++ -*-
00002: /*
00003: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00004: This file is part of WxWidgetsExtensions library.
00005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00007: WxExtLib (WxWidgetsExtensions) library
00008: -----------------------------
00012: WxExtLib library Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Daniel Käps
00014: The WxWidgetsExtensions library and associated documentation files (the
00015: "Software") is provided "AS IS".  The author(s) disclaim all
00016: warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the
00017: warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.  The
00018: author(s) assume no liability for direct, indirect, incidental,
00019: special, exemplary, or consequential damages, which may result from
00020: the use of or other dealings in the Software, even if advised of the
00021: possibility of such damage.
00023: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
00024: a copy of this Software, to deal in the Software without restriction,
00025: including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
00026: publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
00027: and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
00028: subject to the following conditions:
00030:  1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.
00031:  2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be
00032:     misrepresented as being the original source.
00033:  3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any 
00034:     source or altered source distribution.
00036: End of WxExtLib library Copyright Notice
00038: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00042: 1) programming related:
00043:    a) use of config entry objects brings more security against
00044:       typing mistakes of section/key name strings
00045:    b) type safety at the level of accessing the config variables
00046:       via config-entry objects
00047:    c) names of access can differ from names in the config, this way
00048:       we could easily keep legacy names in the config while using
00049:       other possibly better names in the program to access them
00050:    d) default values can be centralized in config entry objects and
00051:       therefore duplication of default values can be avoided
00053: 2) runtime related:
00054:    if all entries are stored in a list, we can:
00055:    a) enumerate all entries and write default values for each
00056:       to the config at once, so the user can have an overview of
00057:       all sections/keys and their defaults
00058:    b) write all values at once (e.g. upon program termination)
00060:    moreover, we could:
00061:    c) check the range of e.g. integer and long variables,
00062:       and we could open a message box/or return a string containing
00063:       information about invalid entries
00064:    d) implement undefined default value handling if 
00065:       section/key value is empty
00066:    e) read-cache entries: e.g. don't reget an entry if it was
00067:       read no more than 500 msec before
00068:    f) write-cache entries
00069:    g) write entries only if a change is detected, or if some
00070:       modification flag is set,
00071:       - to speed up writing
00072:       - to avoid overwriting changes made by the user while the
00073:         program is running
00077: TODO
00079: */
00080: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00082: #ifndef _INCLUDED_ConfigEntry_h  
00083: #define _INCLUDED_ConfigEntry_h  
00085: #include "WxExtLibConfig.h"
00087: #if defined(__GNUG__) && (!defined(__APPLE__)) && (!defined(M_NoPragmaInterface))
00088: #   pragma interface "ConfigEntry.h"
00089: #endif
00091: #include <wx/defs.h>
00092: #include <wx/confbase.h>
00093: #include <wx/datetime.h>
00095: #include "WxMisc.h"
00097: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00099: #define M_IsDefineExportMagic 1
00100: #    include "WxExtLibAliases.h"
00101: #undef M_IsDefineExportMagic
00103: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00105: class wxConfigEntry;
00107: WX_DEFINE_ARRAY_PTR(wxConfigEntry *, CConfigEntryArray);
00109: class wxConfigEntryManager
00110: {
00111:  public:
00112:     wxConfigEntryManager();
00113:     ~wxConfigEntryManager();
00115:     void addConfigEntry (wxConfigEntry * ConfigEntry);
00117:     // NOTE currently, setAssociatedConfig() must be called before
00118:     // calls to addConfigEntry(). It won't have an effect for previously
00119:     // added wxConfigEntry objects
00120:     void setAssociatedConfig (wxConfigBase * ConfigBase);
00121:     wxConfigBase * getAssociatedConfig ();
00123:     // this reads all entries (not that an entry is re-read only if
00124:     // some time passed after last read and if it was not modified
00125:     // in the memory)
00126:     bool readAllConfigEntries ();
00127:     // writes all modified entries to the wxConfig object
00128:     bool writeAllConfigEntries ();
00129:     // writes all default entries
00130:     bool setDefaultValues ();
00132:  protected:
00133:     CConfigEntryArray m_ConfigEntryArray;
00134:     wxConfigBase * m_ConfigBase;
00135: };
00137: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00139: // DECLARE_ConfigEntry:
00140: // - declaration of wxConfigEntry-type object together
00141: //   with get and set accessors:
00142: #define DECLARE_ConfigEntry(TValue, TConfigEntry,Name)      \
00143:   TConfigEntry m_##Name;                                    \
00144:   TValue get##Name()                                        \
00145:     {                                                       \
00146:       return m_##Name.get();                                \
00147:     }                                                       \
00148:   void get##Name(TValue & Value)                            \
00149:     {                                                       \
00150:       m_##Name.get(Value);                                  \
00151:     }                                                       \
00152:   void set##Name(const TValue & Value)                      \
00153:     {                                                       \
00154:       m_##Name.set(Value);                                  \
00155:     }                                                       \
00157: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00159: // wxConfigEntry:
00160: // Notes:
00161: // - MessageString is intended to return information 
00162: //   e.g. about missing or wrong entries (otherwise the user 
00163: //   doesn't know if something is wrong because missing 
00164: //   or wrong entries are silently replaced with the default);
00165: //   (however, it is not yet used).
00166: // TODO:
00167: // - m_ReadMinimalTimeInterval should be made variable; also, it should
00168: //   be possible to selectively deactivate this functionality
00169: class wxConfigEntry
00170: {
00171:  public:
00172:     wxConfigEntry ();
00173:     virtual ~wxConfigEntry ();
00175:     virtual void setEntryPath (const wxString & EntryPath);
00176:     virtual void getEntryPath (wxString & EntryPath);
00178:     virtual void setDontReread (bool IsDontReread);
00179:     virtual void setDontWrite (bool IsDontWrite);
00180:     virtual void setForcedWrite (bool IsForcedWrite);
00182:     //-- functions called by wxConfigEntryManager:
00183:     // write (write operation to config object is done
00184:     // only if the entry was modified by the program or did
00185:     // not exist in the wxConfig before)
00186:     // - for MessageString, see class notes
00187:     virtual bool write (wxString & MessageString) = 0;
00188:     // read: an entry is re-read only if
00189:     // - some time (see MinRereadIntervalMS)
00190:     //   is passed after last read 
00191:     // - and the value was not modified by the program via a set() 
00192:     //   operation (see derived classed) and is not written yet
00193:     //   (In this case, the value in the memory will override the
00194:     //   value in the wxConfig).
00195:     // - for MessageString, see class notes
00196:     virtual bool read (wxString & MessageString) = 0;
00197:     // set to the default value
00198:     virtual void setToDefault () = 0;
00200:     // setAssociatedConfig() will be called by wxConfigEntryManager
00201:     // during wxConfigEntryManager::addConfigEntry()
00202:     virtual void setAssociatedConfig (wxConfigBase * ConfigBase);
00204:     //-- for use by derived classes:
00205:     bool readInternal (wxString & String);
00206:     bool readInternal (long & Long);
00207:     bool readInternal (double & Double);
00208:     bool readInternal (bool & Boolean);
00209:     bool writeInternal (const wxString & String);
00210:     bool writeInternal (long Long);
00211:     bool writeInternal (double Double);
00212:     bool writeInternal (bool Boolean);
00214:     void setReadState ();
00215:     bool getIsReadRequired ();
00216:     void setWriteState ();
00217:     bool getIsWriteRequired ();
00219:  protected:
00220:     // wxStopWatch m_LastReadTimeMS;
00221:     wxMinimalTimeInterval m_ReadMinimalTimeInterval;
00223:     // minimal time that must pass until an entry is actually re-read
00224:     // from the wxConfig object
00225:     enum { MinRereadIntervalMS = 1000 };
00227:     // read, write and modification states:
00228:     bool m_IsDontReread;
00229:     bool m_IsDontWrite;
00230:     bool m_IsForcedWrite;
00232:     bool m_IsAlreadyRead;
00233:     bool m_IsChangePending;
00234:     bool m_IsSetPending;
00236:     wxConfigBase * m_ConfigBase;
00237:     wxString m_EntryPath;
00238: };
00240: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00242: class wxIntegerConfigEntry : public wxConfigEntry
00243: {
00244:   public:
00245:     wxIntegerConfigEntry();
00247:     void init (const wxString & EntryPath,
00248:                int MinInteger, int MaxInteger, int DefaultInteger);
00249:     void setRangeAndDefault (int MinInteger, int MaxInteger, int DefaultInteger);
00251:     // The interface for the program: simply call get() and set()
00252:     // as required. The wxConfigEntry and wxConfigEntryManager will
00253:     // executed read() from the wxConfig as necessary (note that,
00254:     // currently, modified entries are written only after calling 
00255:     // writeAllConfigEntries())
00256:     virtual void get (int & Integer);
00257:     virtual int get ();
00258:     virtual void get (unsigned int & UInt);
00259:     virtual void get (long & Long);
00260:     virtual void get (unsigned long & ULong);
00261:     // NOTE set() does not check the range of the provided Integer -
00262:     // (min, max) checking is done only for what is read from the wxConfig
00263:     // (it is assumed that the program does not provide invalid values)
00264:     virtual void set (const int & Integer);
00266:     // overloaded read(), write(): called by wxConfigEntryManager
00267:     // - for MessageString, see class notes
00268:     virtual bool write (wxString & MessageString);
00269:     virtual bool read (wxString & MessageString);
00270:     virtual void setToDefault ();
00272:   protected:
00273:     // range of allowed integers:
00274:     int m_MinInteger;
00275:     int m_MaxInteger;
00276:     // default value if key in the wxConfig is not present or invalid
00277:     int m_DefaultInteger;
00279:     int m_CurrentValue;
00280: };
00282: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00284: class wxBooleanConfigEntry : public wxConfigEntry
00285: {
00286:   public:
00287:     wxBooleanConfigEntry ();
00289:     void init (const wxString & EntryPath, bool DefaultBoolean);
00290:     void setDefault (bool DefaultBoolean);
00292:     // The interface for the program: simply call get() and set()
00293:     // as required. The wxConfigEntry and wxConfigEntryManager will
00294:     // executed read() from the wxConfig as necessary (note that,
00295:     // currently, modified entries are written only after calling 
00296:     // writeAllConfigEntries())
00297:     virtual void get (bool & Boolean);
00298:     virtual bool get ();
00299:     virtual void set (const bool & Boolean);
00301: #if defined(__WXMSW__)
00302:     // for convenience in MFC based programs:
00303:     virtual void get (BOOL & Boolean);
00304:     virtual void set (const BOOL & Boolean);
00305: #endif
00307:     // overloaded read(), write(): called by wxConfigEntryManager
00308:     // - for MessageString, see class notes
00309:     virtual bool write (wxString & MessageString);
00310:     virtual bool read (wxString & MessageString);
00311:     virtual void setToDefault ();
00313:   protected:
00314:     // default value if key in the wxConfig is not present or invalid
00315:     bool m_DefaultBoolean;
00317:     bool m_CurrentValue;
00318: };
00320: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00322: class wxStringConfigEntry : public wxConfigEntry
00323: {
00324:   public:
00325:     wxStringConfigEntry();
00327:     void init (const wxString & EntryPath, const wxString & DefaultString);
00328:     void setDefault (const wxString & DefaultString);
00330:     // The interface for the program: simply call get() and set()
00331:     // as required. The wxConfigEntry and wxConfigEntryManager will
00332:     // executed read() from the wxConfig as necessary (note that,
00333:     // currently, modified entries are written only after calling 
00334:     // writeAllConfigEntries())
00335:     virtual void get (wxString & String);
00336:     virtual wxString get ();
00337:     virtual void set (const wxString & String);
00339:     // overloaded read(), write(): called by wxConfigEntryManager
00340:     // - for MessageString, see class notes
00341:     virtual bool write (wxString & MessageString);
00342:     virtual bool read (wxString & MessageString);
00343:     virtual void setToDefault ();
00345:   protected:
00346:     // default value if key in the wxConfig is not present or invalid
00347:     wxString m_DefaultString;
00349:     wxString m_CurrentValue;
00350: };
00352: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00354: class wxDoubleConfigEntry : public wxConfigEntry
00355: {
00356:   public:
00357:     wxDoubleConfigEntry();
00359:     void init (const wxString & EntryPath,
00360:                double MinDouble, double MaxDouble, double DefaultDouble);
00361:     void setRangeAndDefault (double MinDouble, double MaxDouble, double DefaultDouble);
00363:     // The interface for the program: simply call get() and set()
00364:     // as required. The wxConfigEntry and wxConfigEntryManager will
00365:     // executed read() from the wxConfig as necessary (note that,
00366:     // currently, modified entries are written only after calling 
00367:     // writeAllConfigEntries())
00368:     virtual void get (double & Double);
00369:     virtual double get ();
00370:     // virtual void get (float & Float);
00371:     // NOTE set() does not check the range of the provided Double -
00372:     // (min, max) checking is done only for what is read from the wxConfig
00373:     // (it is assumed that the program does not provide invalid values)
00374:     virtual void set (const double & Double);
00376:     // overloaded read(), write(): called by wxConfigEntryManager
00377:     // - for MessageString, see class notes
00378:     virtual bool write (wxString & MessageString);
00379:     virtual bool read (wxString & MessageString);
00380:     virtual void setToDefault ();
00382:   protected:
00383:     // range of allowed integers:
00384:     double m_MinDouble;
00385:     double m_MaxDouble;
00386:     // default value if key in the wxConfig is not present or invalid
00387:     double m_DefaultDouble;
00389:     double m_CurrentValue;
00390: };
00392: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00394: class wxDateTimeConfigEntry : public wxConfigEntry
00395: {
00396:   public:
00397:     wxDateTimeConfigEntry();
00399:     void init (const wxString & EntryPath, 
00400:                const wxDateTime & MinDateTime, 
00401:                const wxDateTime & MaxDateTime,
00402:                const wxDateTime & DefaultDateTime);
00403:     void setRangeAndDefault (const wxDateTime & MinDateTime, const wxDateTime & MaxDateTime, 
00404:                              const wxDateTime & DefaultDateTime);
00406:     // The interface for the program: simply call get() and set()
00407:     // as required. The wxConfigEntry and wxConfigEntryManager will
00408:     // executed read() from the wxConfig as necessary (note that,
00409:     // currently, modified entries are written only after calling 
00410:     // writeAllConfigEntries())
00411:     virtual void get (wxDateTime & DateTime);
00412:     virtual wxDateTime get ();
00413:     virtual void set (const wxDateTime & DateTime);
00415:     // overloaded read(), write(): called by wxConfigEntryManager
00416:     // - for MessageString, see class notes
00417:     virtual bool write (wxString & MessageString);
00418:     virtual bool read (wxString & MessageString);
00419:     virtual void setToDefault ();
00421:     bool readDateTime(wxDateTime & DateTime);
00423:   protected:
00424:     // default value if key in the wxConfig is not present or invalid
00425:     wxDateTime m_MinDateTime;
00426:     wxDateTime m_MaxDateTime;
00427:     wxDateTime m_DefaultDateTime;
00429:     wxDateTime m_CurrentValue;
00430: };
00432: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00434: #define M_IsUndefExportMagic 1
00435: #    include "WxExtLibAliases.h"
00436: #undef M_IsUndefExportMagic
00438: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00440: #endif
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DaicasWeb v.1.50.0102  //   Daniel Käps  //   April 12, 2007  //   Impressum / Imprint 